It's time for me to be completely honest with you: letters alone cannot do it all.
Lettering is all about storytelling. By drawing your letters in a certain style or with a certain shape you can evoke memories in the reader's mind and trigger feelings. This is the superpower of what we do!
But the truth is that commonly you need more than *just letters* to achieve that. Let me tell you why.
I usually like to illustrate the power of storytelling with lettering by using book covers. With just one image, a book cover sums up a story and speaks to its readers.
Look how different these stories are just by looking at their covers:

The shape of the letters plays a big role in telling these stories and connecting with the target reader, but without the decorative elements, frames and flourishes the piece would fall apart. Letters alone are just not making it.
It took me years to realize how much decorative elements could support my work and help me not only create better compositions but also tell stories that would truly fascinate the reader and be memorable.
My learning curve was slow and shaky. I used to be afraid of messing it all up, so I'd add one decorative element or a flourish here and there. I played it safe.
Furthermore, I was spending ridiculous amounts of time in the process!
Throughout time (and tons of trial and error tbh), I developed systems and techniques to add decoration and flourishing to my designs in a way that allows me to add a whole new level of finishing in a time-efficient manner.
Now, why would you need to learn how to add decoration and flourishing to your designs?
- they allow you to solve composition problems. Aleluya!
- they can help you add an exquisite level of detail to your designs.
- they can create that sense of wonder around your lettering.
- they reinforce your storytelling.
- they add a whole new level of finishing to the piece.
- they allow you to create a personal mark that goes beyond the shape of the letters.
There's a reason why many professional artists dedicate time to incorporate decorative elements into their designs.
Because I know that many lettering artists struggle with this, I created a training called Stunning Lettering. Click here to read more details.
In this intensive session I'll show you how to master the art of flourishing, decorate your lettering from the inside out, and bring a sense of wonder to your designs that delight your clients & peers. I'm looking forward to seeing you there!
Click here to join the training.