June 13, 2022

58. Martina Flor – Client Outreach for Artists

In this solo episode I touch on client outreach, one of the backbones of any creative business. Smart artists don’t wait to be discovered, they go after their opportunities.

In this show we touch on why reaching out to clients is extremely important, how often you should be doing it, and what is an effective framework you could follow. I’ll also discuss the main mistakes that I see artists making when they do client outreach and share with you the effective method that I use to do that myself in my business today.

If you’re running a solo business, this episode will help you get focused and get better results. If you’re thinking of making the leap, it’ll provide you with steps that you can implement today to get those first assignments.

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Mentioned in This Episode
- Instagram: @martinaflor
- Client Outreach Challenge
- Sign up for the waiting list of my business coaching program for lettering artists, illustrators and creatives Leap Now.

June 9, 2022

57. Martina Flor. Should you go freelance?

In this solo episode I address a common question among artists and creatives: should I go freelance?

In my experience working with hundreds of artists, interviewing dozens of them on this podcast and being a freelance artist myself, I understand the reasons why an artist may want to go solo with their business. In this episode, we discuss the motivations behind most artists wanting to open their own studios and the things that stop many from making the leap. We will touch on the things that going solo as an artist will require from you and how you could prepare yourself for taking that step.

If you’re thinking of going freelance, this episode will give you tools to find clarity and get you going. If you’re already freelancing, it will help you make an audit and think of ways to improve your results.

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Mentioned in This Episode
- Instagram: @martinaflor
- Client Outreach Challenge
- Sign up for the waiting list of my business coaching program for lettering artists, illustrators and creatives Leap Now.

June 3, 2022

56. Lauren Hom – How Artists Make A Good Living With Their Art, Going Freelance, Promoting Your Work, Passion Projects, Connecting With Your People and Social Media

Lauren is a designer, letterer, and educator. A self-proclaimed "artist with a business brain", she picked up hand lettering as a hobby while studying advertising at the School of Visual Arts.

Over the next few years (and thanks to the power of the internet), she leveraged a few clever passion projects into a thriving design career. Known for her bright color palettes, playful letterforms, and quirky copywriting, Lauren has created work for clients like Vans, Google, and Adobe. She loves sharing what she's learned with others through her blog, Instagram, and library of online courses. Lauren dropped so many pearls of wisdom. I’m sure you’ll love this episode with her as much as I enjoyed doing it.

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Mentioned in This Episode
- Instagram: @martinaflor
- Instagram: @homsweethom
- Lauren's Mural Workshop
- Client Outreach Challenge
- Sign up for the waiting list of my business coaching program for lettering artists, illustrators and creatives Leap Now.

June 1, 2022

55. How I Built A Successful Career As A Lettering Artist — (Ft. Mike Rosado The Pencil Pushers)

In this episode I feature a conversation that I had a few weeks ago on The Pencil Pushers Podcast with Mike Rosado.

As you know, I like featuring accomplished artists on this podcast to unveil strategies that could help you unlock your creative potential and make a living with your skills. Now, I’m sharing this episode because it unveils my own path as a lettering artist: how I left everything behind and moved from South America to Europe and pivoted careers, the steps I took to start my lettering studio and get my first clients, the skills that I had to acquire to “make it” as an artist, build a team, and land dream assignments — including insights on how I navigated the Covid-19 pandemic to shape a new vision for my business that now propels other lettering artists and illustrators forward.

I hope that this episode will show you what’s possible for you as an artist and will provide you with some insights and tactics that you can use to shape your own path.

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Mentioned in This Episode
- Instagram: @martinaflor
- Client Outreach Challenge
- The Pencil Pushers Podcast
- Sign up for the waiting list of my business coaching program for lettering artists, illustrators and creatives Leap Now.

May 24, 2022

54. Martina Flor. My #1 growth hack: Community

In this solo episode I touch on community and how the people you surround yourself with can have an impact on your growth.

The communities I’ve been part of had a big influence on my career path and my decision making along the way. Based on my own personal experience, witnessing the impact it has had on the progress of my students, and after hearing the stories of dozens of artists I’ve interviewed on this podcast, I can confirm: the people you surround yourself with are a powerful asset on your path as an artist.

The right community will inspire you, propel you forward and help you get faster to where you want to go. But, how do you find it? In this episode, you’ll learn why your community is important and illustrate that with real life stories. I’ll give you a few steps you can follow to find a suitable one for one, one that supports you throughout your journey and that will cheer you on all along!

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Mentioned in This Episode
- Instagram: @martinaflor
- The Thriving Artist Manifesto
- Sign up for the waiting list of my business coaching program for lettering artists, illustrators and creatives Leap Now.

May 20, 2022

53. Martina Flor. Mindset – Are you a Starving Artist or a Thriving Artist?

In this solo episode I discuss mindset and the limiting beliefs that are undermining your growth as an artist. Your mindset can have a huge impact on your success and accomplishing your goals–I know it did for me.

Changing my mindset around what I could achieve as an artist and with my business had a huge impact on my success. This has also proven to be true for many of the artists that I have interviewed on this podcast: they have trained themselves to focus on possibilities rather than scarcity. In this episode, you’ll learn why having a possibility-oriented mindset is important to achieve your goals and thrive with your art.

I’ll also share with you some of the techniques that have helped me transform mine and that you can start applying today. Plus, I have a gift prepared for you!

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Mentioned in This Episode
- Instagram: @martinaflor
- The Thriving Artist Manifesto
- Sign up for the waiting list of my business coaching program for lettering artists, illustrators and creatives Leap Now.

May 10, 2022

52. Martina Flor. Income Streams for Commercial Artists

Income streams had a huge impact on my creative business and my capability to have control over my time, the assignments I take on or decline, and my bottom line income as a commercial artist. It has proven to be a strategy that many of the guests I’ve had on this show have used to grow their own businesses.

In this episode, you’ll learn why income streams are important and why having them can help you thrive. I’ll give you some ideas on possible income streams and share my framework to start thinking about the one that could work best for you.

Whether you’re working as a commercial artist or you’re thinking of going solo, this episode will open your mind in terms of what you can do to generate income with your art.

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Mentioned in This Episode
- Instagram: @martinaflor
- Sign up for the waiting list of my business coaching program for lettering artists, illustrators and creatives Leap Now.

May 1, 2022

51. Martina Flor. The Systems that You Need in Your Creative Business.

In this episode, you’ll learn why systems are important and why not having them can lead to failure. I’ll tell you about my personal story and how a book changed everything at the lowest moment of my creative career.

I’ll also share with you which are the systems that you can create within your work and business and how to start thinking about them. Whether you’re running a creative business yourself or you are thinking of going solo, this episode will give you tons of concepts to think about and actionable items to start implementing systems yourself.

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Mentioned in This Episode
- Instagram: @martinaflor
- Sign up for the waiting list of my business coaching program for lettering artists, illustrators and creatives Leap Now.
- Get the E Myth book.

April 26, 2022

50. Sebastian Curi – Utilizing Your Experience to Achieve Your Carreer Goals, Never Starting From Scratch, Working with your Spouse, Maximizing Your Client’s Budget and The Challenges of Relocating Countries

Sebastian’s (@sebacuri) bright and bold work is the result of his wide experience as an animator and graphic designer. 

He employs cartoonish figures and playful compositions to portray ordinary scenes of life under the lens of a bright color palette. 

Sometimes animated, his work bounces happily between funny little GIFs, huge colorful hands on silkscreen prints or big murals where you can lose yourself in. Seb has done work for big clients like Apple, Venmo, The New Yorker, Nike, Warby Parker, Uber and others.

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Mentioned in This Episode
- Website: https://sebastiancuri.com/
- Instagram: @sebacuri
- Sebastian's Shop
- Instagram: @martinaflor

April 19, 2022

49. Martina Flor. What Makes a Successful Creative Career

In this episode, I list down some of the overarching takeaways from previous conversations I have had in this show. I speak about the two elements that are necessary to build a thriving career as an artist. I list that I've seen working for other creatives, for myself and that could potentially work for anyone looking to make a mark with their work.

Whether you’re running a creative business yourself or you’re thinking of going solo, this episode will give you empowering insights to shape your journey.

Apple Podcasts · Spotify · Google Podcasts · YouTube

Mentioned in This Episode
- Instagram: @martinaflor
- Waiting List for My Coaching program Leap Now

Sparrstraße 20,
13353 Berlin, Germany (by appointment only)
+49 (0) 30 33877574 

Sparrstraße 20,
13353 Berlin, Germany (by appointment only)
+49 (0) 30 33877574 

Sparrstraße 20,
13353 Berlin, Germany (by appointment only)
+49 (0) 30 33877574 

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 ©2019 Studio Martina Flor. All rights reserved.