October 25, 2018

Meet Decorata – My new font family

Thrilled to introduce DECORATA, the first font release of many collaborations with Positype. I developed the shapes for this typeface from one of my lettering designs. Neil then took those designs and created an enormous eight-style font family where each style can work separately as well as in combination with the others.⠀

Thanks to my power team Josefina Anglada and Soraya Cremalle for all their help and work in this project. To Josh Farmer for finding the best words to describe it. And special thanks to Sebastian Hähnlein, who was interning at the studio at the time and worked extensively on the drawings. Cheers to Positype, for making the entire journey so fun and enjoyable.⠀

Go see Decorata in its full glory exclusively at My fonts.

Join thousands of readers in this community and upgrade your lettering skills! If you're as excited as I am, send this link to a friend, so they can subscribe too. 

August 8, 2018

Open Studio – July 2018

According to the our new tradition, on Sunday July 8th, I opened the doors of my studio for the second time. At the main room, old and new artwork were exhibited, including personal projects, commercial work, my book, products, and some sneak peaks of projects that are to come. In the seminar room, we exhibited the work of the 10 international attendees of this year's summer lettering seminar.

Once again, it was a pleasure to welcome designers and letter aficionados and share with them a part of the bulk of work I've done throughout these years. 

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August 8, 2018

Summer Lettering Seminar – July 2018

In its second edition, I hosted a 3 days intensive seminar where attendees designed a piece of lettering from sketch to final color digital artwork. This year we welcomed attendees from France, Hungary, The United States, The Netherlands and Germany.

The seminar consists of theoretical and practical input within sessions of hands-on work. I’m permanently in place to provide guidance and comments to the attendees. Results were exhibited during our yearly open studio in Berlin. Here’s an overview of what happened:


It was 100% analog and all about sketching letters shapes, training our typographic eye and understanding the basics of letter design. I shared my work process and my approach to achieve more personal, unique results.


We polished the hand sketch and got it ready to start digitising. We used Adobe Illustrator to draw letter shapes with anchors points.

In the evening, we had a private guided tour to the Buchstabenmuseum, a museum that collects and exhibits pieces of rescued vernacular lettering pieces from all over Germany.


We continued polishing our vector drawing and some of us incorporated color and texture to the design. We displayed the entire process from hand sketch to digital drawing, and reviewed all projects.


"It was the most inspiring experience in my carrier. Thanks Martina and her amazing crew."


"Martina's motivation & knowledge is very fascinating, she is not only a marvellous handlettering artist but also an amazing teacher."



All results were exhibited at my open studio along with the studio work. The exhibition included personal projects, commercial work, my books, and products. I enjoyed speaking about what the studio has been up to in the last years and what’s coming next. If you want to know more about the Open Studio read the post I dedicated to the event following this link. 

February 21, 2018

Fan & Friends Mail


Throughout the years, I’ve been receiving fan mail regularly. I’d like to give some of this love back, so I’ll be posting on the blog the fan mail that arrives at the studio or is handed in to me at conferences and book presentation. Please, include your favorite social media handle so we can tag you and link to your profile. Thanks again for sending this, is much appreciated!

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December 21, 2017

What happened in 2017

In this post, I'm taking the chance look back and think about what happened this year at the studio: 2017 was truly exceptional.

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August 9, 2017

Open Studio – July 2017


On Sunday, August 30th, I opened the doors of my studio for the first time. Old and new artwork were exhibited, including personal projects, commercial work, my book, and products. It was really interesting for me to put together a big part of my bulk of work throughout these years and to realize the progression of my art.

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August 1, 2017

South American Speaking & Teaching Tour

170801SouthAmericanTour-MartinaFlorI'm thrilled to announce that I'll be visiting South America this August to talk and teach lettering workshops in several cities. I'll be bringing books and products form my shop with me, too!. The workshops are booked out but you can join me at the talks. Here's a list of workshops and talks per city.

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June 28, 2017

Book presentation and workshop at TDC, New York!

As I started as a lettering artist I always pictured myself traveling and teaching here and there. I started my workshops in lettering design in Berlin with the vision of making them internationally, to be able to reach as many different audiences as I could. I traveled with my workshops to a lot of places: Switzerland, Spain, U.K., Argentina, Arab Emirates, Peru, Turkey and more. These workshops grew and they turned into a book.

This June I had the pleasure to travel to New York to present the book at The Type Directors Club and teach a workshop there. I couldn't imagine a better place to do that! One more proof that the bigger your dreams, the greater the accomplishments.

Thanks to everyone who came to my presentation and book signing, and to those that signed up for my workshop and did great work.


April 26, 2017

Alphabet series of Art Prints at Sergeant Paper

I’m excited to announce my collaboration with Sergeant Paper. The concept store in Paris will be selling a limited edition of my artwork online and at their store in 38 rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris. The limited series of prints are created from a decorative alphabet, where letters could stand alone but also combined to form words and phrases.

Check out the full alphabet here.


April 26, 2017

My Book in English is Out!

Thrilled to announce the official release of my book "The Golden Secrets Of Lettering". You can now find it in stores in the USA and you can order it online on Princeton Architectural Press website.


To celebrate it, I'll be heading to New York next June to do a book presentation&signing and a workshop TDC New York. Join me on the 8th of June at 6.30 pm. I'll be telling about the making of the book, it's content and much more. Find more details about the presentation and workshop here. 

Ps: the "The Golden Secrets of Lettering" is the English version of my book "Lust auf Lettering" originally edited in Germany by Verlag Hermann Schmidt, a great partner for this venture. The book will be published in Spanish and French too. Stay tuned for future releases! #letteringbook #goldensecretsoflettering

Join thousands of readers in this community and upgrade your lettering skills! If you're as excited as I am, send this link to a friend, so they can subscribe too. 

Sparrstraße 20,
13353 Berlin, Germany (by appointment only)
+49 (0) 30 33877574 

Sparrstraße 20,
13353 Berlin, Germany (by appointment only)
+49 (0) 30 33877574 

Sparrstraße 20,
13353 Berlin, Germany (by appointment only)
+49 (0) 30 33877574 

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 ©2019 Studio Martina Flor. All rights reserved.